Team Management 101 - A day in the life of a UTM
Team Management 101 - A day in the life of a UTM is a guide that prepares university team managers (UTMs) for what they will experience in a day when attending UniSport Nationals events.
This Team Management 101 - A day in the life of a UTM is a course designed to be a guide for university team managers (UTMs) for what they will experience in a day when attending UniSport Nationals events.
Team Management 101 Series
Welcome to Team Management 101 - A Day in the Life of a UTM
Completing this course
Module 1 - Before you leave - Preparation
Assessing your needs
Setting your expectations
Communications with your teams
Test your knowledge
Module 2 - Before you leave - Logistics
On ground transport
Lay of the land
A UTM packing list
Test your knowledge
Test your knowledge
Module 3 - Planning your days at the event
Scheduling your daily activities
Example of a daily schedule
Test your knowledge
Test your knowledge
Module 4 - At the event
When visiting teams at venues
What a UTM will deal with at event time
Dealing with COVID
Dealing with injuries
Critical incident response
Test your knowledge
Test your knowledge
Module 5 - Performing at your best
How to deal with stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed at an event
Importance of looking after yourself at an event
Support available to a UTM whilst at a UniSport Nationals event
Course completion